Thursday, 22 January 2009

Becoming a Sales Success

1. Believe you can. Believing you’re the best and that your capable of achievement is the hardest thing to do. It requires daily dedication to self-support and self-encouragement. Positive self-talk.
2. Create the Associations. The easiest way to learn how to succeed is to hang around successful people
3. Plan for the day. Since you don’t know on which day success will occur, you’d better be ready every day. Plan with goals and details for their achievement.
4. Become valuable. The more valuable you become the more the market place will reward you. Give first. Be known as a resource, not a sales person
5. Keep your eye on the prize. Post your goals – stay focused on your dreams and they will become a reality. Too many foolish diversions take you off the path.
6. Take action. Just do it. Actions are the only way to bridge plans and goals with accomplishment. Do something everyday.
7. Make mistakes. The best teacher is failure.
8. Stick with it until you win. Most people fail because they quit too soon. Don’t let that happen to you.
9. Ignore zealots and idiots. These folks will try and discourage you or rain on your parade because they have no parade of their own. Avoid them at all costs
10. Balance Yourself. Your physical, spiritual, and emotional health are vital to your success
11. Recognize opportunity. Stay alert for situations that can create success. The little known key is to get and maintain a positive attitude. A positive attitude allows you to see possibilities when opportunity strikes because it often shows up in the form of adversity.

Why Network ?

1. A referral generates 80% more results than a cold call .

2. About 70% of all jobs are found through networking .

3. Most people you meet have at least 250 contacts.

4. Anyone you might want to meet is only four or five people away from you.

5.Networking consists of creating links from people we know to people they know in an organized way for a specific purpose while remaining committed to doing our part and by expecting nothing in return.

6.Don’t keep score.

7. Asking for support is an important part of networking. Asking is not a sign of weakness; on the contrary, it is a sign of strength, courage and wisdom.

8.If you want to grow prosperous for a year grow grain. If you want to grow prosperous for ten years grow trees If you want to grow prosperous for a lifetime, grow people

Mission Statement I understand that I cannot ask before I give. The universe has blessed me with skills, philosophies, and beliefs that can help others achieve their dreams in life. I am dedicated to those that want to grow and reach for a dream, to help them in anyway that I can. I will ask for their business, but understand that even if they do not share their business with me, I will continue to give them my support, love and encouragement, as I know the universe will reward me elsewhere

15 Wealth Principles

1. Your income can grow only to the extent you do
2. If you want to change the fruits, you first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must change the invisible
3. Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, your weight is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect.
4. Give me five minutes and I can predict the financial future for the rest of your life
5. Thoughts lead to feelings; feelings lead to actions, actions lead to results.
6. When the subconscious mind must choose between deeply rooted emotions and logic, emotions will always win.
7. If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a non-supportive root such a fear, anger, or need to prove yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.
8. The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the same way, the only way to change your level of financial success permanently is to reset your financial thermostat.
9. Consciousness is observing your thoughts and actions so that you can live from the true choice in the present moment rather than being run by programming from the past.
10. You can choose to think in ways that will support you in your happiness and success instead of ways that don’t.
11. Money is extremely important in the areas in which it works, and extremely unimportant in the area in which it doesn’t
12. When you are complaining, you become a living, breathing, crap magnet
13. If your goal is to become comfortable, chances are you will never get rich. If your goal is to be rich, chances are you will be mighty comfortable
14. The number one reason most people do not get what they want is that they don’t know what they want
15. If you are not fully, totally, and truly committed to creating wealth, chances are you wont.

12 Steps to Riches

3.Auto Suggestion
4.Specialized Knowledge
10.Power of the Mastermind
11. The Subconscious mind
12.The Brain The Sixth Sense
Mission Statement I understand that I cannot ask before I give. The universe has blessed me with skills,
philosophies, and beliefs that can help others achieve their dreams in life. I am dedicated to those that want to
grow and reach for a dream, to help them in anyway that I can. I will ask for their business, but understand that
even if they do not share their business with me, I will continue to give them my support, love and encouragement,
as I know the universe will reward me elsewhere

What Rich People Think.

1. Rich people believe “ I create my life” Poor people think “ Life happens to me”
2. Rich people play
the money game to win, poor people play the money game not to lose
3. Rich people are committed to being rich,
Poor people want to be rich
4. Rich people think big, Poor people think small
5. Rich people focus on
opportunities, poor people focus on obstacles
6. Rich people admire other rich people and successful people.
Poor people resent rich people and successful people.
7. Rich people associate with positive, successful
people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
8. Rich people are willing to promote
themselves and their values. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
9. Rich people are
bigger then their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
10. Rich people are excellent receivers.
Poor people are poor receivers.
11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get
paid based on times.
12. Rich people think both. Poor people think either/or
13. Rich people focus on their net
worth. Poor people focus on their working income.
14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage
their money well
15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.
16. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them
17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor
people think they already know
Mission Statement I understand that I cannot ask before I give. The universe
has blessed me with skills, philosophies, and beliefs that can help others achieve their dreams in life. I am
dedicated to those that want to grow and reach for a dream, to help them in anyway that I can. I will ask for their
business, but understand that even if they do not share their business with me, I will continue to give them my support, love and encouragement, as I know the universe will reward me elsewhere .

24 Wealth Principles

1. The law of income is that you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the
market place.

2. Bless that which you want

3. Rich people associate with positive successful people. Poor
people associate with negative or unsuccessful people

4. Leaders earn a lot more than followers

5. The Secret
to success is not to try to avoid or get rid of or shrink your problems. The secret is to grow yourself so
that you are bigger than your problem.

6. If you say your worth, you are. If you say your not worthy, your
not. Either way , you will live your story.

7. If a hundred foot tree had the mind of a human, it would only
grow ten feet tall.

8. For every giver there must be a receiver, and for every receiver there must be a giver.

9. Money will only make you more of what you already are.

10. How you do anything is how you do everything

11. There is nothing wrong with getting a steady paycheck, unless it interferes with your ability to earn what
your worth. There is the JOB, it usually does.

12. Never have a ceiling on your income

13. The true measure of
wealth is net worth, not working income

14. Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show

15. Until you
can handle what you got, you wont get any more

16. The habit of managing your money is more important than the

17. Either you control your money or it will control you

18. Action is the bridge between the inner world
and the outer world

19. A true warrior can tame the cobra of fear

20. It is not necessary to try and get rid of
fear in order to succeed

21. If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you are willing
to do what is hard, life will be easy

22. The only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable

23.Training and managing your own mind is the most important skill you could ever own in terms of both happiness and

24. You can be right or you can be rich, you cant be both

Mission Statement I understand that I cannot ask before I give. The universe has blessed me with skills,
philosophies, and beliefs that can help others achieve their dreams in life. I am dedicated to those that want to
grow and reach for a dream, to help them in anyway that I can. I will ask for their business, but understand that even if they do not share their business with me, I will continue to give them my support, love and encouragement, as I know the universe will reward me elsewhere

The Four Steps to Success

Know Your Outcome
Decide what you want. You must get focused on what you want. Know what you want physically, financially, and emotionally
You must take action
Move towards the achievement of your goals. Don’t say some day.
The road to someday leads to a town of nowhere. The biggest trap from taking action is fear. Fear of success, fear
of rejection, fear of pain, fear of the unknown
Once you know what you want, and you take action,
you need to
notice if it is working or not. Notice if you are getting closer to your goals or farther away. The most successful
people are successful because they fail more than anyone else. Most people in life don’t try anything due to fear
of failure. There is no such thing as failure. Just Results.
Change your approach.
Try something else. Keep
trying until you succeed. How long would you give your average baby, until he walked before you shut him off?

Mission Statement I understand that I cannot ask before I give. The universe has blessed me with skills,
philosophies, and beliefs that can help others achieve their dreams in life. I am dedicated to those that want to
grow and reach for a dream, to help them in anyway that I can. I will ask for their business, but understand that
even if they do not share their business with me, I will continue to give them my support, love and encouragement,
as I know the universe will reward me elsewhere

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Who is PaulSimonMac,

Well I have lived the dream!
You to can do the same, it all about desire and the thoughts, of what you want.
Just do it!
I went to the USA looking for a business opportunity; I bought a convertible Mustang and went from Atlantic to Pacific crossing the USA seeing all the famous land marks along the way. Just do it!
So if the desire is there for you and the thoughts are there for what you want then this is the team – for you to get you to that point were you can live the dream.
With the right team behind you, to guide you along the way to success, this programme not only brings your dream to reality, it will enable you to market any other product or services you own, as it has with my other online business.
I am a Health and Wellness Advocate I am a believer in the power of Alkaline Water –Kangen Water which will show you the benefits of drinking healthy water.
MIB equals Wealth Velocity, and this is what I promise to you.

Self Confidence - Some thoughts to live by

We are not what we think we are, but what we think, we are!
You have literally attracted everything that has come into your life, good, bad, happy, or sad, success or failure.
Shakespeare said, “ We know what we are, but not what we may be "
Unless you perceive your own true worth as a person you cannot come close to achieving total self- confidence
You can’t change the world, but you can change yourself.
Physical slavery is a punishable crime, but far worse is mental slavery, for the punishment is a life of quiet desperation.
Once a person believes that something is true, whether or not it is, he acts as if it were. He will instinctively seek to collect facts to support the belief no matter how false it may be. No one can convince him otherwise.
In order to construct a new functional building on a site where one is inefficient exists, you first have to destroy the old structure.