Thursday, 30 April 2009
Alkaline Water Drops - To Buy, Or Not?
Alkaline Water Drops - To Buy, Or Not?
Have you been looking into purchasing alkaline water drops as a temporary replacement for a water ionizer? There are a number of stores online that offer a bottle of these for around $15-30, which seems like it might possibly be a good deal. So this raises two questions in our mind. First, do alkaline water drops provide any of the health benefits of a water ionizer? And second, are they priced fairly? We'll answer these two questions in this article.
Do Alkaline Water Drops Provide Any of The Health Benefits of a Water Ionizer?
What you have to consider about alkaline water drops is that they don't have any of the water filtering benefits that a water ionizer provides. So whatever water you're adding the drops to is still going to have all the nasty stuff that it started with, only with a changed alkalinity.
Thus, it's very important if you are going to use these drops that you have a pure water source. We recommend running all your water through at the very least a carbon filter if you suspect that there may be chlorine or any of the other chemicals commonly added to water by your local water authority. Top of the line water ionizers come with both carbon filters as well as specialized media filters which will remove fluoride and other heavy metals. When water comes through a high end water ionizer, you can be much more confident that you're drinking something of quality. Simply adding two alkaline drops to your water provides no such benefit.
You can always bottle the water that comes out of the ionizer if you're going to be out of the house all day, and if you're going on vacation I'd recommend bringing your ionizer along with you and hooking it up at the hotel or wherever you'll be staying. You never know what kind of water sources you're going to be drinking from when you're away from home, and that's really the time when you want a water ionizer the most. The last thing you want to be concerned about while on vacation is the quality of your water.
Are They Priced Fairly?
Most alkaline water drops on the market are extremely overpriced, considering the ingredients involved. We don't recommend mixing a batch yourself without consulting a professional, however by doing so you would be saving a good deal of money. But as we suggested before, a better solution would be purchasing a water ionizer. Without an ionizer, you get none of the water purification benefits, all you get is the alkalinity. And while we firmly believe in the benefits of alkaline water (obviously) we also firmly believe that there are too many contaminants in everyday water to not be running it through a high-powered filter before consumption.
By: James Benetton
Article Directory:
If you're on the fence about getting an alkaline water ionizer, why don't you read a little more about what it's like to own one? Visit
We wrote our next article about some of our favorite aspects of owning an Alkaline Water Ionizer and what it's like to drink the water every day of your life.
An Overview of Alkaline Water
The Drinking Water Crisis -
The fact that there is a problem today with our drinking water few people will dispute, depending perhaps upon the definition of healthy water and what threshold of contaminants or quality individuals are willing to tolerate and consider good or bad. By all standards, much of our drinking water today contains chemicals detrimental to health. Federal, state and city laws and guidelines govern levels of chemicals permitted in municipal water. Ironically, one of the deadly chemicals, chlorine, is introduced out of necessity to kill things that would be of even greater consequence. Common knowledge and reason should lead each of us to action to ensure within our homes chlorine, thrihalomethanes and other harmful chemicals are not permitted to pass from tap to glass. For over 20 years I personally have not consumed municipal water unprotected except for when dining outside our home, but I am continually surprised to learn of friends and acquaintances who have not applied much thought or action to this rather apparent water problem. Whether individuals give regard, that water is contaminated is the obvious. There is another water metric that lies lurking further beneath the radar.
Why Alkaline Drinking Water is Important to Your Health -
As a Nutritionist, I have known for years that individuals seeking the best possible health or to improve existing chronic health conditions should adjust their diet toward Alkaline foods rather than Acidic. This should not be news to readers - you have probably heard this a dozen times before. The problem, like so many other good things in life, is how to implement. The list of Alkaline foods and Acidic foods can be a great help. But even when one knows better, it still is hard because an Alkaline diet is generally not one of convenience or preference. Alkalizing foods include dark greens like spinach, vegetables like celery and cabbage, fruits like apricot and avocado, and other foods that are not so likely to magically appear on the “random” menu. Selecting the Alkaline foods is only half the equation - avoiding the Acidic foods is also important. But even if one were to master the choice of Alkaline foods, the challenge is greater than first appears, and for good reason. Just as our bodies are 70% Water, so our diet consists in considerable proportion of Water. So, does water help a serious seeker of the Alkaline Diet? Aha… here’s where the bigger issue - and perhaps surprise - lies.
The Body PH Balance Dilemma -
A very real PH Dilemma for many people is that try as one may to eat a diet rich in Alkaline foods, nearly all of the drinking water most people have access to is NOT Alkaline. Rather it is Acidic. Perhaps some people who test their drinking water will find it to be neutral or weakly alkaline, but the vast majority of drinking water tests Acidic. Good thing we keep soda drinks in the fridge! Right? Because certainly a nice “soda” drink ought to be less acidic than acidic tap water. Wouldn’t it be? NOT! Soda pop is one of the worst offenders on the pH scale of Human Health. Acid Acid Acid. Bottled Water to the rescue then. Where else would you look to for a solution? The plain fact is that of the tests I have seen data on for Bottled Water… you guessed right… Acidic. Even water prepared by Reverse Osmosis is acidic. So our list of options to find Alkaline drinking water is “drying up” - pardon the pun.
How the Body Attempts to Solve the PH Problem -
What is the consequence to your health of an Acidic diet and Acidic water and Acidic soda drinks? Can’t your body accommodate the PH of what we drink? That is a fabulous question. It is a complicated question. But in a few words let me share some perspective. Your body consisting of Trillions of cells is one of incredible design and YES - it does have provisions for accommodating a wide range of environmental and dietary parameters. But it must regulate body processes within very narrowly defined parameters. In order to accommodate the wide range of inputs while maintaining the narrowly governed body function metrics, it must prioritize and sometimes must sacrifice one good thing for a better. The PH of your blood, for example, must be 7.2 to 7.4 - a narrowly defined metric. So important to us is our blood PH metric which must be maintained 24/7/365.25 that the body will sacrifice minerals including calcium from our bones in order to preserve our blood PH so we can live another day. But over time, when a person stresses his or her body by continuing to impose upon it such great demands to solve because of preferences of diet and water, they will eventually pay the price. Good health is not a given but rather it is something that we must all strive for. Drinking Acidic water does not help win the fight for good Health.
How a Kangen Water Ionizer Helps Balance Your Body PH -
Solving water PH is accomplished with a Water Ionizer machine. There are many brands of water ionizers. The one I personally use is manufactured by Enagic and it produces a quality of water called “Kangen Water”, trademark of Enagic, which I believe to be the Very Healthiest Water available for human consumption - hence the name of my website Ionization accomplishes a very important enhancement to ones drinking water. It actually turns tap water into Antioxidants! Hard to believe? But true. Many people are careful to ensure they have antioxidants in their diet. Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) is a measurement of Antioxidant value, and the higher the positive ORP the worse something is for our body while the lower or more negative the ORP the better something is for us in terms of Antioxidant potential. To illustrate the significance of Ionization in improving the ORP value of drinking water, the following is actual test data of various common water sources:
ORP TESTS: Negative is Good / Positive is Bad *
* -387 Kangen Water (Ionized)
* +261 Bottled Water Brand #1
* +263 Bottled Water Brand #2
* +273 Bottled Water Brand #3
* +280 Bottled Water Brand #4
* +282 Bottled Water Brand #5
* +330 Tap
* tests are based on water sampled
Please note that these measurements are provided for comparison of the Ionized Water with other common drinking water sources. Actual results may vary due to the variety of conditions under which drinking water is prepared. The point of the comparison should jump off the page at readers… the Ionized Kangen Water ™ is the only water with a negative ORP, and because of the magnitude of its negative ORP value it provides Antioxidant capacity which will help neutralize Free Radicals in the body of the fortunate individuals who drink the Ionized Kangen Water ™.
To recap, I will share my definition of Very Healthy Water:
1. The bad stuff (chlorine, trihalomethane, heavy metals, etc.) is removed by filtration
2. PH is Alkaline to help neutralize Acid and contribute to an Alkaline body PH
3. A highly negative ORP Antioxidant value to neutralize Free Radicals
Facts will always be facts, and what you do with those facts becomes your reality. Your health is in part a function of what you ingest. So the question for each of us is whether we will apply some “basic” (pardon the pun) knowledge of science and health and take action to solve our personal water crisis before the water we drink gets the better of us. It may be said that what we eat becomes what we are. With 70% of our body water, I propose we justifiably state we also are what we drink. Change your water and change your health… no success can compensate for the premature failure of the human body, and you are worth whatever it takes to make sure your health is the best it can be. For my family and me, we’ll keep our Kangen Water Ionizer busy at our kitchen sink and enjoy Clean Alkaline Ionized Water free from contaminants and nicely charged with an ORP to deliver potent glasses of Antioxidant Water to neutralize Free Radicals and keep us Alkaline from head to toe and all the way between! And we will also save money by not having to purchase all that Bottled Water.
To purchase a Kangen Water Ionizer or for more information regarding the benefits of Kangen Water please visit
Step away from the soda
Local physician advises patients to opt for water
BY LISA NEWELL Gulf Breeze News
Before you take a sip of a soda, you may want to consult your physician.
Dr. Karen Kennedy, board certified gynecologist, regularly advises her patients to beware fizzy sodas because they can wreak havoc on health.
She told Gulf Breeze News that drinking even a small amount of sodas can lead to esophogeal cancer, among other things.
Many people are aware that a certain soft drink is recommended to clean corrosion off car batteries, but few of us stop to think of what that same liquid can do to the soft tissue inside our own bodies.
Dr. Kennedy says among other things, sodas don't quench thirst, and in fact steal water from the body, working as a diuretic. Sugared drinks also steal a considerable amount of water from the body.
Another culprit found in soft drinks is phosphoric acid. When the body encounters phosphoric acid, it releases a massive emergency calcium (alkaline) flush to balance the acid.
A website,, suggests that diseases flourish in an acidic environment, and soft drinks are thousands of times more acidic than the human body. The body pH of those with cancer or arthritis is always very low. Is there a correlation?
Dr. Kennedy
The website also asserts that soft drinks and other acidic foods deposit acid waste in the body which accumulates in the joints and around the organs.
Additionally, soft drinks are made with purified water that can also leach minerals from the body, and a severe lack of minerals can lead to heart disease, osteoporosis and other diseases.
Sugary drinks can also cause the pancreas to produce an abundance of insulin, leading to diabetes and other imbalance related diseases.
If you are experiencing digestive problems, soft drinks can be part of the problem. Caffeine and sugar can affect the digestive process, robbing your body of the nutrients from a meal.
Many soft drinks contain the artificial sweetener aspartame. Aspartame has been linked to depression, insomnia, neurological disease and other illnesses.
In the meantime, drink plenty of water. Water is the primary ingredient in your body, and the more hydrated you are, the younger you look. Water transports nutrients, transports toxins out, helps control temperature, focus of your eyes, the pump of your heart and your ability to comprehend words.
So before you take that next sip of soft drink, check with your physician, who can tell you whether it is right for you.
There must be something in the water
Published: April 21, 2009 1:00 PM
Updated: April 22, 2009 8:34 AM
3 Comments By Juliet Sullivan
Special to the Peace Arch News
Big Gary is big. He is a man with presence, an awe-inspiring energy, and a story to tell.
He is tall, strong, and healthy. But it wasn’t always that way.
In fact, just a short time ago, Big Gary was not so big, and certainly not so healthy.
He had undergone a series of operations, had lost 70 pounds, and was lying in a hospital bed, close to death.
• • •
Gary Derrett is a well-known figure in South Surrey. Up until three years ago, he owned and ran a chain of vacuum stores throughout the Lower Mainland: “Big Gary’s.”
He did this for more than 40 years.
Gary was not a healthy man. He had suffered 20 years of colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). He had learned to live with, and tolerate, the illnesses, as many people do.
And then one day, 3½ years ago, he was rushed to emergency with severe swelling to his stomach. He was on the operating table for six hours, after his colon burst and he almost died.
After the operation, his stomach became infected, a staph infection so bad that he underwent five further surgeries over the course of three months. The infection went on for half a year.
“They used a vise and staples to keep me together,” says Gary. “And – ironically – a vacuum to clean me out. I don’t think it was one of mine though.”
The household-appliance entrepreneur can joke about it now, but at the time, the pain was so intense that Gary says he had never known what real pain was until that time. Nurses have since told him they had never seen a patient administered so much morphine.
Before the fifth operation, hospital staff advised Gary’s family to gather around him, with doctors suggesting it was unlikely he would come out of the surgery alive.
Against the odds, he did come out alive, but that was just the beginning. There was a long and painful road ahead.
“Basically, they sent Gary home to die,” says wife Suzie.
Once home, Gary started to suffer depression, anxiety, headaches, nausea, chronic fatigue, major arthritis, sleep apnea and lung congestion He had post traumatic stress and had to walk with the aide of a walker. Neighbours have since told him that they gave him a nickname in those days: “Dead Man Walking.”
It got worse.
In April 2008, Gary was driving home one day and started to suffer heart palpitations. After tests, his doctor told him his heart was damaged and enlarged, and he had developed heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), sometimes so bad that Gary thought he was having a heart attack.
Some time after that, Suzie received a newsletter from a wellness centre in Newport Beach, Calif.
In it, they talked about heart arrhythmia and how they could cure it with magnesium.
“Suzie had me on a plane down there the very next day – in a wheelchair,” says Gary.
The wellness centre treated Gary with a series of natural remedies. Two weeks – and $25,000 – later, Gary says the heart arrhythmia subsided and he felt “a little better,” even though the centre had diagnosed yet another problem: neuropathy (numbness) in his feet and legs.
“I was waiting for some kind of magic, but it never came. Basically, I felt like I was on my way out. I felt like it was the end. I even contacted my life insurance provider, just to make sure that everything was in order...”
And then, on the flight back home, Suzie read a book. The book was about balancing the PH in the body, and talked about how disease thrives in an acidic body; something most of us, unfortunately, possess.
Due to bad eating habits, smoking, lifestyle and environmental toxins, the level of PH in most of our bodies is unbalanced. This is making us sick, fat and tired. It claimed that by increasing the alkalinity in the body, simply by drinking alkaline water, disease will no longer be able to flourish.
“I read this book and it made so much sense," Suzie says. "I felt that it was the missing link in Gary’s health.”
Suzie knew she had to find a way to make Gary’s body more alkaline. Unfortunately, alkaline water machines are not exactly common here. Widely used in Japanese hospitals for decades, the technology has only recently come to North America, and there is still a certain skepticism surrounding their effectiveness.
But when you are the proactive, forward-thinking wife of a depressed, dying man to whom you have been married for 43 years, you will ignore skepticism and employ your own judgement. Suzie was willing to try anything to help her beloved Gary.
And here is where fate stepped in.
As Suzie and Gary were flying back from Newport Beach, Suzie’s brother Michael was on a plane flying back from Calgary. He sat next to a man on the flight, whose business happened to be alkaline water machines.
Despite Gary’s doubts, they bought a machine. Gary started to drink alkaline water. Six glasses a day at first, gradually building up until Gary says his body was craving it.
Fast forward 3½ weeks. Father’s Day 2008. Gary’s four daughters wanted to take a family portrait on the beach, complete with 11 grandchildren.
“My girls thought it was my last Father’s Day,” says Gary, tearfully. “On the day before the photo shoot, Suzie had asked me to make sure it was a good day; in other words that I fake it. I still didn’t have that sense of wellbeing and she knew I could be difficult sometimes.
“But that morning, I noticed when I woke up that I didn’t have the usual nausea, or aches. Instead of taking an hour to get out of bed, get dressed and go downstairs, as I had done for the past three years, it took me five minutes. I felt good, but I kept thinking it wouldn’t last.
“Later that day, after lunch, I got up from the table and went to each of my daughters and grandchildren, kissed them and told them I loved them. It was like I was reborn. I had that sense of wellbeing back that was robbed from me for over three years.
“Later, back home, Suzie said to me, ‘Thank you for making an effort today.’ And I looked at her and said 'I got news for you – I feel good!’ All day I had been expecting the walls to come crashing down, but they never did.”
And they still haven’t. Ten months later, Gary feels more alive, more energized, and more healthy than ever.
He is back playing golf. He walks. (“I walk like I’m on a marathon,” he says). He is full of life. His energy is contagious. His neuropathy has totally vanished, as has his heart arrhythmia. Doctors had told him that he would have both these conditions for the rest of his life.
There is, however, one condition his family has noticed with all this improved health.
“He didn’t really talk for three years," Suzie says. "Now he won’t shut up!”
Big Gary is a man with a mission, and a story to tell.
Friday, 24 April 2009
Lose Weight, as the water clears acid toxins from your system and boosts your metabolism.
Energise Alkaline Diet & Natural Health Blog
health news, alkaline diet resources & tips to make you happy! do something nice today…
The Best Advice I Will Ever Give You
by Ross on April 24, 2009
This is the best piece of advice I have ever been given, and I swear it is the single, best bit of advice I will ever give you or that you will ever read on this blog.
It is simple, it is easy to put into practice and it is very, very affordable (possibly free).
Before I do, I really, really want you to keep an open mind, put any preconceptions aside, stick with me and just take this advice for what it is. You may have heard it before, but I want I really don’t want you to just roll your eyes and tut and say ‘I’ve heard this before’.
This is a fundamental.
You should listen/read with an open mind and be ready to absorb the information because, unless you drink 3-4 litres of good quality water every day then you need to be reminded of this stuff. Sometimes we really need to re-focus and re-learn the basics, because we can become nonchalant about them, even though we know they are so vitally important. So read on, and take note. Who knows, you might just take one thing out of this article that makes all of the difference.
I hope that makes sense.
How Hydration Can Totally Change Your Life
Water makes up 75% of your total body weight. But I don’t really care about that. I’d been trying to research and start this article for about 3 hours and rewording around and rewriting all of these water facts that really didn’t seem to mean anything. They had no impact.
This did:
a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25-30% loss of energy in most people
In fact, even mild dehydration can slow our metabolism down by 3% - when you consider this, you can see why rehydration can support weight loss!
Proper hydration is so important to every function of the human body (if fluids drop by just 15% we die) and dehydration is at the root cause of such a ridiculous number of symptoms. From thirst to depression to cancer to obesity to fatigue to bulimia to digestive problems to skin problems and so on. This is not to say that dehydration is the only cause, but the above is just a small selection of the symptoms of repeated, daily dehydration.
But on the more positive side:
Being hydrated can change everything. Just the simple act of drinking enough water, on a daily basis, can have a profound effect on your life.
It certainly will help you to lose weight, as the water clears acid toxins from your system and boosts your metabolism. Our body’s cry for thirst is also often mistaken for hunger, leading to overeating.
Here are some more facts to show you how important hydration is:
A six-year study published in the May 1, 2002 American Journal of Epidemiology found that those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses.
Drinking the equivalent of 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%.
Drinking the 2 litres of water a day decreases the risk of breast cancer by 79%
In fact, one of the biggest impacts that our alkaline water diet course is having on people is that it is making them properly hydrate themselves.
It is so simple, but the reason why I think we often don’t give enough importance to hydration is that it is so simple. It is hard for our brain to connect such a profound effect with something as simple as drinking a proper amount of water each day.
So I am not going to argue the point too much - I think 99% of you will agree that drinking enough water on a daily basis is absolutely a good thing. So let’s get into the three most important questions:
How Much?
What is Good Water
How Can I Make it a Habit?!
How Much Water Should I Drink
The easy answer is 3-4 litres per day. I know this sounds a lot, but it isn’t really. And I also know that you might be thinking, that is too much for me, I’m only little, so the official calculator is:
1 litre of water per 40lbs (18k or 2.85stone) of body weight
For example, 12st = 4.2 litres per day
This, I have found, accurately works out to between 3-4 litres for most people each day. And if you stick to this, every day, I promise you there will be a massive increase in your health, energy, mental clarity and vitality.
But not any old water will do…which brings me onto:
What Should I Drink?
When we talk about drinking 3-4 litres per day, it is important to make this water as good, high quality and clean as you possibly can. To be honest, while drinking 3-4 litres of tap water will still hydrate you and give you some benefit, getting good, clean water is so important and so much better.
My definition of good water is:
Mineral-rich, toxin-free, filtered water with a pH of above 7 (preferably 9)
When the water fits this description you will really see a difference. I am sure that most of you will agree that toxin-free, mineral-rich water is a good thing, but what about the alkaline? Well, this is a blog post in itself (in fact, it is probably a summary of this entire blog), but I will cut and paste this excerpt from my interview with Ravi from as I describe it well!
Your body HAS to keep the pH of your blood, cells and other fluids at just slightly alkaline (pH 7.365) and it will do ANYTHING it has to in order to maintain this pH balance. To do this, your body calls upon its store of alkaline buffers, which it draws upon to neutralize the acids we ingest or create through bodily processes. This store of buffers is very easily depleted because most of us eat and drink such strong acids. To put this in context, the pH scale is logarithmic - so pH 6 is 10x more acidic than pH 7, meaning pH 5 is 100x times more acidic than pH 7 and pH 4 is 1000x more acidic. Coke has a pH of between 2 and 3. So you can see how a diet filled with meats, dairy, fizzy drinks, alcohol etc would quickly deplete these buffers.
And when we deplete these buffers and still ingest more acids…what happens? The body is forced into drawing upon the alkaline minerals it has to buffer which causes havoc in the body - for instance, if the body is constantly drawing calcium to neutralize the acids we consume then the symptoms of osteoporosis emerge (hence the recent research articles linking cola consumption with osteoporosis).
This is just one example. Another outcome is that the body also hangs onto excess fat to protect our body/organs from the damage caused in an acidic state. Another outcome is that we ingest high levels of sugar, the sugar ferments in the blood, creating more acids, which creates acid wastes, which feeds the sugar which has fermented into bacteria, yeast, fungus which create more acid wastes etc and a vicious cycle of acid creation further depletes the alkaline buffers resulting in skin conditions, yeast infections, mood and emotional problems, diabetes and a whole heap of other symptoms.
By eating 70-80% alkaline foods we not only take this stress away from the body, but we also flood our body with vitamins, fiber, minerals, nutrients, good fats, proteins, antioxidants etc. which build the blood, cleanse our system and ultimately make us feel great.
Still, the simple explanation is the one I prefer - eat lots of great, fresh foods and treat treats as a treat.
So when we infuse our body with acid free, mineral-rich and alkaline water we help to flush out these toxins, rehydrate our system, detoxify ourself of yeasts, fungus and molds and actually raise the pH of our internal environment. Our diet and modern lifestyle will always lead us to consume more acid than alkaline and so by giving our body this gift of alkaline water, we help to neutralise the acids and retain our balance at 7.365.
To give more context, here is a great quote from Dr Young from his facebook page of all places (here is my facebook page if you’re interested!):
Beer is just another form of urine. That’s why it smells and some-what tastes like urine. The pH of beer is around 5 and the pH of coffee is around 5.5. The pH of pH Miracle Water is 9.5 which is 50,000 times more alkaline than beer or coffee. I am sure you are aware that you can keep a cancerous cell alive in beer or coffee indefinitely. They love an acidic pH because cancerous cells are acidic cells.
Beer is 1000 times more alkaline than diet soda. Your own urine is 10,000 times more alkaline than diet soda. I am sure you’re not going to drink an acidic beer, let alone drink your own urine. Diet soda is an acidic poison in a bottle or can. It is full of acidic sugar, (artificial or natural) carbonic and phosphoric acid. Give up the acidic diet soda and have an alkaline day with alkaline water and green drinks!
Making Water That Fits This Criteria
There are three main methods to make mineral-rich, toxin-free alkaline water:
Using a distiller
Using a water ioniser
Adding alkaline ingredients to the water
Using a Distiller: using a distiller is a very efficient and effective method of purifying and alkalising your water. As noted by Dr. Weil:
the process of distillation kills and removes virtually all bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Once distilled, the water is as pure as water can reasonably be.
What a recommendation! He also does a great job here of dispelling the incredibly inaccurate myth about distilled water leaching minerals from the body (ridiculous I know).
Distilled water is water that has been turned to steam and then condensed back into water. This process, as noted above kills all impurities, removes acid toxins and makes the water pH neutral/slightly alkaline. In my opinion, this is the very best type of alkaline water filter.
Using a water ioniser
Water ionisers are, unsurprisingly, products that ionise water. The water is ionised (electrically enhanced) by running it over positive and negative electrodes. This separates the water into alkaline (70%) and acidic (30%). This is exceptionally beneficial as the alkaline water is then used for drinking, while the acidic water can be used on the outside of the body as it is proven to kill many types of bacteria.
These are more expensive that distillers but are FAR more user friendly, as they simply attach to your tap and produce water at a pH of your choice instantly, as soon as you turn the tap on!
We are getting some amazing feedback from our customers. Click here for more info on water ionisers.
Adding alkaline ingredients to the water
The third method is to add ingredients to the water to increase its alkalinity. I would only make these alkaline water additions to water that had already been put through an alkaline water filter, however they can be handy in an emergency when there is only mineral or tap water to hand.
Lemon Water: I have already blogged lemon water to death, however, I will mention it here as it really is an alkalising superstar. By squeezing lemon juice (or lime juice) into water you immediately give it a healthful kick. Lemon water is very alkaline and is great in helping to detoxify the liver and kidneys.
pH Drops: these are an excellent way to dramatically increase the alkalinity of the water. These drops offer intense alkalinity and only a few are needed for an incredible boost to the alkalinity of your drink. There are several types around but I would only really recommend Dr Young’s PuripHy or pH Ion’s pH Booster
What Else Can I Drink
Alongside this lovely water, I recommend you to drink: herbal tea, vegetable juice and green drinks. Try to stay away from fizzy water though as the carbonation process makes the water have a pH of about 5.
BUT IMPORTANTLY - I don’t want any of this to hold you back. I don’t want you to think ‘great - I’m going to get really hydrated, but just after I do x, y and z and buy x, y and z.’. No excuses. Start hydrating NOW.
How to Start Hydrating - and make it a habit
I know it is difficult. Not only to start consuming this volume of water, but also to simply remember to drink this much water throughout the day.
Here are my top five tips for making this a habit.
Carry A Big Bottle: this is the best tip - because it makes sure you always have your water on you to sip. I personally like to have a big 1 litre bottle at all times (here is a nice bottle you can order!) and when I do this I always drink my 4.2 litres!
Set a Reminder: this isn’t something you will have to do forever, but I recommend you set an hour reminder on your phone or watch to beep and remind you to have a big gulp or a glass of water every hour. It is amazing how often you suddenly realise it is lunchtime and you’ve not really had anything to drink!
Substitute: for every other drink you go to have, be it a tea, coffee or juice - substitute in water. You will be surprised at a) how good it makes you feel and b) how much of a pat on the back you can give yourself afterwards. This simple tip can lead to some really good, positive reinforcement that yes, you can say no and it makes you even more healthy!
Always Have Water At Your Desk: simply having a bottle at your desk at all times means that when you do remember you can tuck straight into it, rather than thinking “oh yes, water, now let me just finish this email first”
Finally - know your outcome and plan your route to success. Here is a daily hydration schedule you can download (sorry it is low res at the minute - there is a high res on the way). You can use this to build up your new hydration habit over the next five weeks, so that at the end of week five you are hitting your hydration target day in, day out. And if you have been hydrating for five weeks I can PROMISE that you will feel a profound difference in your health and wellbeing.
If nothing else - your body uses up 2.5 litres of alkaline water per day in its activities to simply keep you alive - please at least put that back in!.
I hope this resource helps you. I would love to hear from you in the comments below - whether it is a question - or another tip to help keep the hydration habit going. Or if you have a story that can inspire someone else - then let us know!
Have a great hydrated day
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Discover Important Information about Kangen Water
Article by
The Drinking Water Problem -
The fact that there is a Water Crisis today with our drinking water few people will dispute, depending I suppose upon the definition of healthy water and what threshold of contaminants or quality individuals are willing to tolerate and consider good or bad. By all standards, much of our drinking water today contains chemicals detrimental to health. Federal, state and city laws and guidelines govern levels of chemicals permitted in municipal water. Ironically, one of the deadly chemicals, chlorine, is introduced out of necessity to kill things that would be of even greater consequence. Common knowledge and reason should lead each of us to action to ensure within our homes chlorine, thrihalomethanes and other harmful chemicals are not permitted to pass from tap to glass. For over 20 years I personally have not consumed municipal water unprotected except for when dining outside our home, but I am continually surprised to learn of friends and acquaintances who have not applied much thought or action to this rather apparent water problem. Whether individuals give regard, that water is contaminated is the obvious. There is another water metric that lies lurking further beneath the radar.
Why Alkaline Drinking Water is Important to Your Health -
As a Nutritionist, I have known for years that individuals seeking optimal health or to improve existing chronic health conditions should adjust their diet toward Alkaline foods rather than Acidic. This should not be news to readers - you have probably heard this a dozen times before. The challenge, like so many other good things in life, is how to implement. The list of Alkaline foods and Acidic foods can be a great help. But even when one knows better, it still is hard because an Alkaline diet is generally not one of convenience or preference. Alkalizing foods include dark greens like spinach, vegetables like celery and cabbage, fruits like apricot and avocado, and other foods that are not so likely to magically appear on the “random” menu. Selecting the Alkaline foods is only half the equation - avoiding the Acidic foods is also important. But even if one were to master the choice of Alkaline foods, the challenge is greater than first appears, and for good reason. Just as our bodies are 70% Water, so our diet consists in considerable proportion of Water. So, does water help a serious seeker of the Alkaline Diet? Aha… here’s where the bigger issue - and perhaps surprise - lies.
The PH Balance Dilemma -
A very real PH Dilemma for many people is that try as one may to eat a diet rich in Alkaline foods, nearly all of the drinking water most people have access to is NOT Alkaline. Rather it is Acidic. Perhaps many people who test their drinking water will find it to be neutral or weakly alkaline, but the vast majority of drinking water tests Acidic. Good thing we keep soda drinks in the fridge! Right? Because certainly a nice “soda” drink ought to be less acidic than acidic tap water. Wouldn’t it be? NOT! Soda pop is one of the worst offenders on the pH scale of Human Health. Acid Acid Acid. Bottled Water to the rescue then. Where else would we look to for a solution? The plain fact is that of the tests I have seen data on for Bottled Water… you guessed right… Acidic. Even water prepared by Reverse Osmosis is acidic. So our list of options to find Alkaline drinking water is “drying up” - pardon the pun.
How Your Body Attempts to Solve the PH Balance Problem -
What is the consequence to our health of our Acidic diet and our Acidic alkaline water and our Acidic soda drinks? Can’t your body accommodate the PH of what we drink? That is a fabulous question. It is a complicated question. But in a few words let me share some perspective. Your body consisting of Trillions of cells is one of incredible design and YES - it does have provisions for accommodating a wide range of environmental and dietary parameters. But it must regulate body processes within very narrowly defined parameters. In order to accommodate the wide range of inputs while maintaining the narrowly governed body function metrics, it must prioritize and sometimes must sacrifice one good thing for a better. The PH of your blood, for example, must be 7.2 to 7.4 - a narrowly defined metric. So important to us is our blood PH metric which must be maintained 24/7/365.25 that the body will sacrifice minerals including calcium from our bones in order to preserve our blood PH so we can live another day. But over time, when we stress our body by continuing to impose upon it such great demands for it to solve because of our preferences of diet and water, we will eventually pay the price. Good health is not a given but rather it is something that we must all strive for. Drinking Acidic alkaline water does not help win the fight for the best Health.
How a Water Ionizer Helps Balance Your Body PH -
Solving water PH is accomplished with a Water Ionizer. There are many brands of water ionizers. The one I personally use is manufactured by Enagic and it produces a quality of water called “Kangen Water“, trademark of Enagic, which I believe to be the Very Healthiest Water available for human consumption - hence the name of my website Ionization accomplishes a very important enhancement to ones drinking water. It actually turns tap water into Antioxidants! Hard to believe? But true. Many people work very hard to ensure they have antioxidants in their diet. Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) is a measurement of Antioxidant value, and the higher the positive ORP the worse something is for our body while the lower or more negative the ORP the better something is for us in terms of Antioxidant potential. To illustrate the significance of Ionization in improving the ORP value of drinking water, the following is actual test data of various common water sources:
ORP TESTS: Negative is Good / Positive is Bad *
* -387 Kangen Water (Ionized)
* +261 Bottled Water Brand #1
* +263 Bottled Water Brand #2
* +273 Bottled Water Brand #3
* +280 Bottled Water Brand #4
* +282 Bottled Water Brand #5
* +330 Tap
* tests are based on water sampled
Please note that these stats are provided for comparison of the Ionized Water with other common drinking water sources. Actual results will vary due to the variety of conditions under which drinking water is prepared. The point of the comparison should jump off the page at readers… the Ionized Kangen Water ™ is the only water with a negative ORP, and because of the magnitude of its negative ORP value it provides Antioxidant capacity which will help neutralize Free Radicals in the body of the fortunate individuals who drink the Ionized Kangen Water ™.
To recap, I will share my definition of Very Healthy Water:
1. The bad stuff (chlorine, trihalomethane, heavy metals, etc.) is removed by filtration
2. PH is Alkaline to help neutralize Acid and contribute to an Alkaline body PH
3. A highly negative ORP Antioxidant value to neutralize Free Radicals
Facts will always be facts, and what we do with those facts becomes our reality. Your health is in part a function of what you ingest. So the question for each of us is whether we will apply some “basic” (pardon the pun) knowledge of science and health and take action to solve our personal water crisis before the water we drink gets the better of us. It is often said that what we eat becomes what we are. With 70% of our body water, I propose we justifiably state we also are what we drink. Change your water and change your health… no success can compensate for the premature failure of the human body, and you are worth whatever it takes to make sure your health is the best it can be. For my family and me, we’ll keep our Kangen Water Ionizer busy at our kitchen sink and enjoy Clean Alkaline Ionized Water free from contaminants and nicely charged with an ORP to deliver potent glasses of Antioxidant Water to neutralize Free Radicals and keep us Alkaline from head to toe and all the way between! And we will also save money by not having to purchase all that Bottled Water.
Links alkaline water
Monday, 20 April 2009
Revived Water not only for the Alkaline Water also for the Many Health Benefits of Acid Ionized Water too.
The Many Health Benefits of Acid Ionized Water
April 15, 2009
If you’ve been reading some of the articles on the health benefits associated with alkaline water and water ionizers, then you may be confused by this title. But, did you know that there are a wide variety of uses for acid ionized water as well? That’s right! Using your water ionizer to produce acid ionized or alkaline ionized water is equally beneficial. Below, you will learn many of the best uses for this specialized revived water which has recently become available and easy to produce right in your own home.
One of the best uses for acid ionized water is for skin care. Human hair and skin is actually mildly acidic, which allows for the water to interact with it beneficially. Acid ionized water has the ability to restore sheen to hair as well as thickness of body. Also, it can promote smoothness and tightness of the skin. In some cases, it has been seen to remove years worth of wrinkles and cause people to look years younger! Acid ionized water is also great for treating dry or itchy skin, including the itchiness which results from common rashes such as poison ivy or poison oak. It has also been shown to reduce or eliminate acne and eczema. Finally, acid ionized water has been shown to treat athlete’s foot, minor burns, and insect bites. All of that, and just for the skin!
Acid ionized water is also great for using around the house, particularly in the kitchen. It’s acid composition has shown to have superior cleaning and disinfecting ability when cleaning work surfaces and cutting boards. Want to avoid dangerous salmonella and e-coli? This water will help to ensure your surfaces and plates get cleaned properly to protect you and your family. Also, it is optimal for cleaning fresh fruits and vegetables. Acid ionized water has been shown to better remove pesticides and bacteria from such foods.
There are also a ton of uses of acid ionized water that do not fit in the above two categories. Use it to brush your teeth and gargle after brushing for cleaner, healthier gums and teeth. Flowers have been shown to stay fresh longer when placed in mildly acidic water. Also, it has been used for years in hospitals to treat bedsores, infections, and diabetic ulcers. And for you gardeners, spraying it on your garden can vastly reduce the amount of pesticides you have to use.
Hopefully, if you thought that a water ionizer was only beneficial for producing alkaline water, you now see the myriad of benefits that can come from proper utilization of acid ionized water. For optimal health, it is important to use both in conjunction. Returning your body to an acid/alkaline balance by consuming alkaline water is just as important as the benefits listed above, if not more. It will help you avoid chronic diseases such as heart burn, constipation, diabetes, and migraines.
Alkaline Water Myth? No Way! Listen to This by Bobby Tyrell
Rumors and the internet are something that go hand in hand. Unfortunately, some websites out there spout off about an "Alkaline Water Myth", saying there's no truth to the power of alkaline water and that it's no better than drinking regular tap water, or even preposterously state that drinking ionized water can be bad for your health. These sites lump alkaline water in with bogus health schemes and call it "snake oil", comparing it to some ancient scheme where charlatans would travel from town to town selling bogus health benefits and miracle cures, only to leave town by the time people realized it had no real effect. This article lists a few factors that may convince you otherwise.
Business History and Physical Locations. Well, for one thing the businesses selling alkaline water have been in business for too long now to just "skip town." Most of the major companies have been in business for at least 5 to 10 years now, and sales are only increasing as the word is spreading all across the globe about the miracle benefits of alkaline water. A limited number of physical stores have even opened up, such as WaterForLifeUSA's new store in Germantown, Maryland. Thanks to the internet, word is spreading faster than ever these days, and so you should expect to see more and more physical locations opening up around the country as demand grows and dealers branch out. Certainly not a fly-by-night operation.
Money Back Guarantees & Warranties. Say you get your water ionizer, and you try it for a month, and you're just not convinced. Maybe you felt pretty good to begin with, or maybe on second thought you just don't think you have the money to afford it in this tough economy. Who knows. Most companies offer a money back guarantee if you return the machine within 2 months or so. No questions asked. There is no "once you bought it, you're stuck with it" policy. Dealers are looking for long term satisfaction here.
Or say for some reason after 4 years your machine isn't working as well as it used to, maybe it's having trouble hitting the same pH that it used to, or maybe a more serious defect. Most companies offer a 5-year warranty on the machine where they'll take it and fix it for you and bring it back to you working just like it did on day one. Up to 5 years! You don't see computer companies offering a warranty like that without hundreds of dollars in extra charges... but water ionizer companies need satisfied customers. The industry is small enough that word of mouth is its greatest advantage. Satisfying customers is the only way to accomplish their goals.
So the next time you get concerned that there's an alkaline water myth, or people are just trying to rip you off in some fly-by-night scheme, give the company a call and talk with a real representative over the phone. Or heck, if you live close enough, stop in for a visit to a physical location and speak with the owner! Scammers can't run a business off customer satisfaction. So take your 'myth' and 'scam' accusations and shove 'em!
Now that that's all cleared up, have you heard about alkaline water drops? Some people are selling them online as a semi-replacement for water ionizers. They cost about $15-30 per bottle and last for a while, but do they really fulfill the promises that they advertise? To find out, read alkaline water drops. We think we outlined the situation pretty well.
Article Source:
“Correct Your Acid / Alkaline Balance with the Water You Drink: What the Experts Say”
“Correct Your Acid / Alkaline Balance with the Water You Drink: What the Experts Say”
April 19, 2009 · Posted in NUTRITION
(free to publish)
In health circles there has been much recent talk about acid /alkaline imbalance. Let’s see if we can clarify how experts recommend we correct this imbalance.
The problem
Your body functions best when neither too acid nor too alkaline. Unfortunately almost all of us have become acidic due to diet, drinks and stress — both psychological and from pollution. Acids can build up in our body, causing systems to be out of balance.
The effects
According to Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, “Acid wastes build up in the body in the form of cholesterol, gallstones, kidney stones, arterial plaque, urates, phosphates and sulfates. These acidic waste products are the direct cause of premature aging and the onset of chronic disease.”
When this occurs, the body will restore its optimal pH by depleting certain minerals, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, from organs and bones. In addition, your immune system may become fatigued from dealing with an excess of acid. Your body then stores acidic wastes in ‘hiding places’ such as muscles etc. rather than releasing the acids into the bloodstream.
As Dr.Robert Atkins, the well-known author, health and diet expert, notes: “Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity.”
“The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause…too much tissue acid waste in the body!” Theodore A. Baroody, ND, Ph.D.
What can be done?
A vast body of research reveals that you can help neutralize acid build-up in the blood and maintain a balanced pH, by taking some simple steps, such as:
– Exercise
– Avoiding highly acid-forming food and drink
– Drinking the right water
What is the “right” water?
“International studies show that populations with little or no history of illness, such as cancer, drink higher pH (alkaline) waters. After all potential risk factors were considered and factored out, it became evident that they had been drinking waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0.” Dr. Leonard Horowitz in “Aids and Ebola”
Alkaline ionized water “first came to notice in Japan, where researchers noted that people drinking water that came from certain fast- moving rocky mountain streams enjoyed extraordinarily good health. It turned out that this naturally occurring water was alkaline and had a different structure and electrical properties.” Larry Clapp, PhD. in “Prostate Health in 90 days”
Alkaline water is produced at home with a small kitchen appliance called a water ionizer (long in use in Japan and Korea). As water ionizers have become popular in North America, more health professionals have had the opportunity to evaluate their effects on clients:
Sue Pollock, N.D. writes, we can “assist the body in being more alkaline with …drinking alkaline water.”
“I believe that the best water is water that is alkaline (reduced) and purified using a small device known as a water ionizer.” (Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky)
“It is my opinion that ionized water will change the way in which all health practitioners and the public approach their health in the coming years.” Dr. T. Baroody in “Alkalize or Die.”
Why not just rely on a change of diet?
According to Sang Whang, researcher and author of “Reverse Aging”, the danger is that we might omit important foods:
“Since the waste products that we are trying to discharge are acidic, the right kind of water is alkaline water…My personal recommendation is to enjoy the foods that we like, but do not over-eat or exclude any food. Eat in moderation following the professional dieticians’ “balanced diet” concept, and let alkaline water do the job of cleansing acidic wastes.”
Lose weight by controlling the level of acid in your body!
I thought you might be interested in this article written by Alderin Ordell.
In order to lose weight effectively you have to be mindful of how much acid you consume. The body creates fat in order to trap and neutralize acid. So, if your diet consists of lots of meats, grains, tea, coffee, soft drinks and even acidic water, your body needs fat in order to stay alive! You won’t lose weight like you want no matter how much you work out!
If you’re like most people trying to lose weight, you’ve reduced your portion size or reduced calories – but if the food is acidic this only partially decreases acid intake, and your body still needs the fat. Some people work out at a gym three times a week only to find out they’re not losing weight like they want. Exercise increases the production of acids, such as lactic acid. And if you’re drinking acidic water or sports beverages while you work out, you are consuming lots of acid, so your body still needs the fat.
According to Dr. Young author of The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, the only way to lose weight effectively is to consume alkaline foods and beverages, such as vegetables and many fruits, lentils, potatoes, peas, cashews, etc, to balance out your body’s acid. You should eat 80% alkaline foods to 20% acidic foods.
The most important thing you consume is water because your body is 80% water and the water you consume is directly responsible for the quality of the tissue your body creates.
Almost all your bottled waters, filtered waters, and your tap water are acidic and harmful. Natural water, like the water from a spring or glacial stream is alkaline. The only way to make your water natural and alkaline again is through the use of a water ionizer.
When you drink alkaline, ionized water the acidity built up in your cells is neutralized, and your body no longer needs the fat cells for storage. Also, the antioxidants in the ionized water clean out the toxins in your body so that it runs more efficiently.
The best combination for weight loss is an alkaline diet featuring lots of ionized water, moderate exercise and stress management.
A healthy, non acidic body will return to its ideal weight naturally. You don’t have to suffer with too much exercise, or try to trick the weight away with a fad diet like Atkins. All you have to do is be mindful of your acid intake, balance it will alkaline foods and water, and your body will gladly shed all that extra storage it has created.
My thanks to Alderin Ordell, President of Water For Life USA ( for contributing his thoughts on the importance of consuming alkaline foods and water when attempting to lose weight.
Can Drinking Alkaline Water Improve Health?
Does Drinking Alkaline Water Increase Health Benefits?
This short article sums up what I have learned in my extensive research about the health benefits of drinking alkaline water or ionized water as some call it. I've spent several hours reviewing many sites to write this overall review of the benefits of drinking alkaline water. This is a good starting point for someone who has little or no knowledge of water ionizer machines and their benefits.
As with any product, these machines have their proponents and opponents on the health benefits of drinking alkaline water. There are many studies on this subject but we are going to take a proponents view. We will look at the benefits, and then at a few of the water ionizer products available.
Let’s take a look at what one expert says about drinking alkaline water or water that is pH balanced by a water ionizer. According to the research of Dr. Enderlein, total healing of chronic illness only takes place when and if the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline pH. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic. (
Scientists have discovered that the body fluids of healthy people are alkaline balanced (Ph 7.35), whereas the body fluids (the lymph) of sick people are acidic (low pH). Unless your body's pH level is slightly alkaline, your body cannot heal itself. Doctors claim that a pH balanced body is resistant to many diseases. Most diseases cannot live in a pH balanced body, but thrive in an acidic environment. Most studies and information I have reviewed over the past months is that the human body functions better when it is slightly alkaline. (
While these studies and facts are all good to know, it always comes down to the personal decision of the individual to develop a healthier lifestyle. In my opinion, if the health benefit is something that you want, maybe it will cheaper in the long run, and will contribute to a longer, healthier life. Most of us know by living in the world that when we make better choices of what we eat and drink, we are usually healthier and feel better. As I am sure you heard before, “You are what you eat”, and now we can add “drink” to that statement. You are what you eat and drink.
Friday, 17 April 2009
What if you had a malignant brain tumor and didn’t get a treatment? What would happen before you died?
The above question had an interesting response by a friend Rick at the following link, interesting that Revived Water/Alkaline water helps people with many different health issues.
ricky85296 says:
April 16, 2009 at 8:40 pm
A friend of mine got cancer when he was 80, back in 2004. He went to the doctors and they figured out what was wrong with him after a while, and told him is was brain cancer and recommended he have chemotherapy. His wife had died from cancer about 40 years ago, and he did not want to take chemo because of the damage to his healthy cells, and he was to old to do surgery, the medications that put you to sleep can prevent oxygen from reaching the brain if they give you to much.
So he waited to see what would happen next. In 2006, he fainted while driving, so we did not let him drive after that. In 2007, he was wheelchair bound, and could not walk without a walker, and basically did not want to go on. His friend gave him some alkaline water and within a month he was walking with a cane again, and three months later he did not need a cane. A year later, and he is driving again, not many cancer symptoms are left in his body.
Best of luck to you.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Revived Water Health Benefits - Cures to Five Common Illnesses
RevivedWater/Ionizer Oasis is a team of guys who really believe in the health benefits of water ionizers. They've made it their goal to get a lot of quality information out to the public on the subject to help people cut through the confusing science and misinformation out on the Internet. For more free ionizer information visit the URL listed below. The following ariticel is by Bobby Tyrrell.
The lack of water in peoples diets is the undeniable cause of a lot of common illnesses. People don't realize that clean, healthy water, and the proper intake has enormous health benefits. If the water is alkaline, further enriching the body by bringing the acidic contents back towards balance, then the health benefits are even greater. You may be surprised to learn that the cause of and solution to many common discomforts is a lack of water intake. It may even be something you've been dealing with your entire life. Below are five of the most common illnesses that are curable by means of increased water intake.
Heartburn is one way the body signals that there is a shortage of water in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, generally the esophagus or stomach. It is important to keep this area of the body thoroughly hydrated, as the acidic content of your stomach is very strong and can be damaging to the rest of your body, particularly the throat.
The worst part is, many people do not realize that heartburn is signaling you to drink more water. Instead, they medicate it with pills and antacids. In time, this is detrimental to your health! The continued dehydration and medication will cause inflammation of the stomach, with potentials for ulcers, hernias, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the liver and pancreas.
The health benefits of water in relation to arthritis are direct. Drink more water, specifically water which has been enhanced with an ionizer, and you will reduce or completely alleviate your arthritis! Joint pain and arthritis is a signal of dehydration in that specific joint. The use of pain killers will never cure this problem, and are only a temporary solution.
Angina, also known as heart pain or intense heartburn, is a sign of dehydration in the heart and lung axis. While angina is incredibly painful, medication should be used. Increased water intake will remedy this problem over time.
Migraines and headaches
Headaches and migraines start as a result of dehydration in the brain and behind the eyes. You will recognize immediate health benefits from drinking ionized water in large quantities with regards to these problems. Proper hydration will stop future occurrences.
Back Pain
This one is huge. Millions of Americans complain about back pain on a regular basis. The spinal chord has numerous discs in it, which cushion the gaps in between vertebrae. When these discs become dehydrated, back pain and discomfort are a result. If you do not have an muscular damage or spinal damage, then back pain is almost certainly being caused by this dehydration. The health benefits of increased hydration will be very noticeable.
These conditions are all caused by prolonged dehydration. The health benefits you receive from ionized water will be immediately noticeable.
To find out more about water ionizer health benefits, visit Ionizer Oasis. There is much more quality information, as well as comparisons to help you pick the absolute best in water ionizer technology.
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