Thursday, 30 April 2009

Step away from the soda

Local physician advises patients to opt for water
BY LISA NEWELL Gulf Breeze News

Before you take a sip of a soda, you may want to consult your physician.

Dr. Karen Kennedy, board certified gynecologist, regularly advises her patients to beware fizzy sodas because they can wreak havoc on health.

She told Gulf Breeze News that drinking even a small amount of sodas can lead to esophogeal cancer, among other things.

Many people are aware that a certain soft drink is recommended to clean corrosion off car batteries, but few of us stop to think of what that same liquid can do to the soft tissue inside our own bodies.

Dr. Kennedy says among other things, sodas don't quench thirst, and in fact steal water from the body, working as a diuretic. Sugared drinks also steal a considerable amount of water from the body.

Another culprit found in soft drinks is phosphoric acid. When the body encounters phosphoric acid, it releases a massive emergency calcium (alkaline) flush to balance the acid.

A website,, suggests that diseases flourish in an acidic environment, and soft drinks are thousands of times more acidic than the human body. The body pH of those with cancer or arthritis is always very low. Is there a correlation?

Dr. Kennedy

The website also asserts that soft drinks and other acidic foods deposit acid waste in the body which accumulates in the joints and around the organs.

Additionally, soft drinks are made with purified water that can also leach minerals from the body, and a severe lack of minerals can lead to heart disease, osteoporosis and other diseases.

Sugary drinks can also cause the pancreas to produce an abundance of insulin, leading to diabetes and other imbalance related diseases.

If you are experiencing digestive problems, soft drinks can be part of the problem. Caffeine and sugar can affect the digestive process, robbing your body of the nutrients from a meal.

Many soft drinks contain the artificial sweetener aspartame. Aspartame has been linked to depression, insomnia, neurological disease and other illnesses.

In the meantime, drink plenty of water. Water is the primary ingredient in your body, and the more hydrated you are, the younger you look. Water transports nutrients, transports toxins out, helps control temperature, focus of your eyes, the pump of your heart and your ability to comprehend words.

So before you take that next sip of soft drink, check with your physician, who can tell you whether it is right for you.

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