Friday, 17 April 2009

What if you had a malignant brain tumor and didn’t get a treatment? What would happen before you died?

The above question had an interesting response by a friend Rick at the following link, interesting that Revived Water/Alkaline water helps people with many different health issues.

ricky85296 says:
April 16, 2009 at 8:40 pm

A friend of mine got cancer when he was 80, back in 2004. He went to the doctors and they figured out what was wrong with him after a while, and told him is was brain cancer and recommended he have chemotherapy. His wife had died from cancer about 40 years ago, and he did not want to take chemo because of the damage to his healthy cells, and he was to old to do surgery, the medications that put you to sleep can prevent oxygen from reaching the brain if they give you to much.

So he waited to see what would happen next. In 2006, he fainted while driving, so we did not let him drive after that. In 2007, he was wheelchair bound, and could not walk without a walker, and basically did not want to go on. His friend gave him some alkaline water and within a month he was walking with a cane again, and three months later he did not need a cane. A year later, and he is driving again, not many cancer symptoms are left in his body.

Best of luck to you.

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