Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Alkaline Water for Home and Commercial Use and can be supplied by RevivedWater.com

Acid ionized water is for external use only, not for drinking. Its antimicrobial and astringent properties have found widespread use. In fact, water ionizers were of established use in Japanese hospitals for the value of their ACID ionized water, long before the benefits of alkaline water were discovered.

Its home uses include:

In the Kitchen

Clean work surfaces, cutting boards, etc. and rinse dishes with high level acid ionized water. Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables to kill bacteria.

Skin Care

Because human hair and skin is mildly acidic, acid water is used restore sheen to hair and smoothness to skin. It can relieve dry itchy skin, including the itchiness resulting from poison ivy and poison oak. Helps in the treatment of acne and eczema.
Tests have shown that this “oxidized” water can be used to treat:
Athlete’s foot
Minor burns and scratches
Insect bites.

Flowers: Stay fresh longer in mildly acidic ionized water

Teeth: Used for brushing and gargling

Commercial uses:

Acid ionized water with high oxidant levels (O.R.P. of +1100mV) is currently used in American and Japanese hospitals in the treatment of bedsores, operative wounds with complicated infections, and diabetic ulcers. This water is sometimes referred to as "super oxide water". It is used extensively in Japan’s medical facilities for the sterilization of surgical equipment and wounds. For the same reasons, it has been adopted by the food service industry for the sterilization of kitchen utensils and the cleaning of seafood and meats. In agriculture acid ionized water is used effectively on plants to kill fungi and molds. For example, it is sprayed on sprouts, wheatgrass, and germinating plants in nurseries to prevent mold. Because it is non-toxic, there is no danger to the environment. Golf courses have used it to vastly reduce their reliance on pesticides and herbicides.

links alkaline water
links kangen water

Alkaline Water -should we be bathing as well,as drink?

Alkaline Water,Kangen Water,Ionised Water or Revived Water the properties and benefits from these machines should not be dismissed.I believe that the evidence is there, to be a must, for people to consider these products,to prevent and control illness.
Public water treatment systems rely on chlorine to kill harmful bacteria. Until recently, concerns about drinking water focused on eliminating pathogens. Chlorination of drinking water was a major factor in the reduction in the mortality rates associated with waterborne pathogens. The use of chlorine was believed to be safe until recent years, when halogenated organic compounds, such as chloroform, were identified in chlorinated drinking water supplies. Recent surveys show that these compounds are common in water supplies throughout the North America and UK. These concerns about cancer risks associated with chemical contamination from chlorination by-products have resulted in numerous epidemiological studies. These studies generally support the notion that by-products of chlorination are associated with increased risk of cancer and other health problems. These risks arise from both drinking and bathing in chlorinated water.

Following are quotes from a variety of sources:

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Jan 18, 2007 "Drinking, bathing or swimming in chlorinated water may increase the risk of bladder cancer, a new study shows." See article

U.S. COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: "Cancer rates for people on chlorinated water systems is 93% higher than for those on non-chlorinated water systems..."

DR. J.M. PRICE, MD: "Cancer risks among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine."

NEW SCIENTIST 18 September 1986 - Ian Anderson "Studies indicates the suspect chemicals can also be inhaled and absorbed through the skin during showering and bathing." "Ironically, even the chlorine widely used to disinfect water produces Carcinogenic traces." "Though 7 out of 10 Americans drink chlorinated water, its safety over long term is uncertain." "Drinking chlorinated water may as much as double the risk of Bladder Cancer, which strikes 40,000 people a year."

U.S. NEWS &WORLD REPORT - July 29 1991 Is Your Water Safe--The Dangerous State of Your Water "A long hot shower can be dangerous. The toxic chemicals are inhaled in high concentrations."

HEALTH CANADA --"Several studies on humans have also found a link between long-term exposure to high levels of chlorination by-products and a higher risk of cancer. For instance, a recent study showed an increased risk of bladder and possibly colon cancer in people who drank chlorinated water for 35 years or more.

Social Media- are we all just talking to Internet Marketers?

I have looked at social media/networking and peoples comments for a few weeks now and how some say there are two camps,basically "everyday people" and "business people" i personally think its just people and that's what we do.And as with the Internet,business wealth and velocity, will win the social media then become social networking,somehow i think it will be as now, a combination of both.
I think the following replies to Chris Brogans articel give a few pointers to general thoughts about social media.

3 richard pelletier 03.03.09 at 1:34 am
Hey Chris,
Hoping to join you in Seattle. As exciting as this moment is, sometimes I wonder how much of what is happening on the internets right now is making its way to the real folk out there. I have a friend/business associate who is very successful and is just a really busy guy. He said to me, “What’s LinkedIn?” which amazed me. That made me wonder if we all aren’t one big community talking to ourselves. Not that that is such a bad thing, but there’s an insular quality to things…I’m giving my friend/associate and his partners a social media presentation and I have no idea what they know or don’t know. I think they know very little.
4 Maya 03.03.09 at 1:45 am
Carries on nicely from the last post. What comes with being on the content marketing side of the equation is a niche, a focus and most often (since you need people to actually create content) is a community with a strong sense or passion in that niche. And this works way better than Triond for example is that when content creators and consumers overlap through one single passion we have a community that holds its own - a dynamic equilibrium of sorts. Which then is completely mobile(sellable) and immune to who “owns” it - and who owns it ideally should not matter at all since it is owned by the community, right (unless the “who owns it” does not understand that you play this from the inside and not the outside)?
Well, this is my take on it and I could be completely wrong - but that is what I am seeing happening in my space.
Content is indeed the king today, but there is so much of it that the only way to build value around that is with a niche and a community. Thoughts?
5 Kevin Alvarez 03.03.09 at 1:53 am
I am also interested to see how this flies. I plan on submitting a few non-marketing articles on subjects I am knowledgeable and passionate about. It’s worth the effort, especially since I’ll love the subject matter.
I agree with your assessment. I primarily deal with small (micro) businesses and have realized a good number of business owners are only vaguely familiar with social media (they’ve heard about it) and even less have ever participated in PPC campaigns. As online marketers, we are lucky in that we utilize the medium to communicate, share, and learn at a very rapid pace. Stop and think about how much we learn everyday. Most other professions do not have the ability for continuous education on a daily basis. Things do change fast and it is with this that new opportunities present themselves to those who are open to them.